I recommend that you read my post on fonts and logos on signs and vehicles, so you have some incite on how your logo will function before you create your logo:
Some things you may want to walk yourself through before you start working on a logo:
Business Name: _________________________________
Services/Products: (Your business offers)_____________
Services/Products: (Your business offers)_____________
List current things you are doing to market your business or you plan to do this year: Anything you would put your logo on. (Star items you plan to do.)
___Business Cards_______ ____Vehicle Graphics____
___Sign on Building______ ___Window Graphics____
_Social Media: FB, LI, ____ __Networking/Chamber__
__Brochures/Rack Cards__ ______________________
______________________ ______________________
______________________ ______________________
______________________ ______________________
- Some things to think about:
How will your logo function on your marketing materials? For example if you choose a round logo, how much space will you have on vehicles or a sign that may be long instead of square. I usually tell people if you have a round or oval logo; or a full color vs black and white logo. Consider having two versions of your logo that you brand equally. Maybe it's a one color vs full color or a round vs rectangle. What size will your letters be? They say a 4" letter can be seen from about 100 ft away, what is your viewing distance? Will your letters be big enough for people to read your signs, banners, vehicle graphics and other branding pieces?
___Business Cards_______ ____Vehicle Graphics____
___Sign on Building______ ___Window Graphics____
_Social Media: FB, LI, ____ __Networking/Chamber__
__Brochures/Rack Cards__ ______________________
______________________ ______________________
______________________ ______________________
______________________ ______________________
- Some things to think about:
How will your logo function on your marketing materials? For example if you choose a round logo, how much space will you have on vehicles or a sign that may be long instead of square. I usually tell people if you have a round or oval logo; or a full color vs black and white logo. Consider having two versions of your logo that you brand equally. Maybe it's a one color vs full color or a round vs rectangle. What size will your letters be? They say a 4" letter can be seen from about 100 ft away, what is your viewing distance? Will your letters be big enough for people to read your signs, banners, vehicle graphics and other branding pieces?
What are your competitors doing to market their
business? Are you doing it better? Or can you improve?
Do your current marketing materials have a consistent brand/look that you use on everything? ___yes ____ no
What is your company colors? _____________________
What fonts do you like? ___________________________
What is your company colors? _____________________
What fonts do you like? ___________________________
Do you have a logo? _____ yes ______ no ____ I want one
_____ I want to update mine. How: __________________
_____ I want to update mine. How: __________________
Do you ask for referrals? ____- yes ____ no
Do you ask how people heard about you? ___ yes ____no
Could you use more business? ____ yes ____ no
What will you do different this year to increase your sales? _______________________________________________
What can you stop wasting time on, that is not increasing your sales? ______________________________________
Do you ask how people heard about you? ___ yes ____no
Could you use more business? ____ yes ____ no
What will you do different this year to increase your sales? _______________________________________________
What can you stop wasting time on, that is not increasing your sales? ______________________________________
Companies that can help with logo creation or updating your logo:
Miles Kramer with Leonis Creative 785.220.9796 miles.kramer@hotmail.com - He is very affordable and he has been in several marketing industries so he thinks about how your logo will function and will help you through the process.
No matter who creates your logo, if you buy a logo package, be sure you know exactly what comes with your package up front. The best packages would include:
- Vector File: .ai or .eps (remember you won't be able to open, but it will save you from having to pay another company from recreating it. This is used for large format jobs like signs and vehicle wraps especially. However could also be needed for things like screen printed t-shirts or pens.
- Tiff: Has Transparent background, great for websites or flyers you make yourself in programs like word document or publisher.
- Jpeg
- Branding Guide Sheet:
-Should include your logo in black and white vs color
-Colors Listed in CMYK & PMS (Pantone Matching System) and sometimes will include the RGB Colors for Websites and TV color pallet.
- Font Names Used in Logo
- Any spacing guidlines or rules you prefer with your logo
- May have other specifications or important notes listed as well.
- All rights for your logo signed over to your company.
https://logojoy.com/ - This one is my personal favorite. You will want the Premium Package at the very least, it runs $65. They have a bigger package for $299 you can choose as well.
https://www.designmantic.com/logo-design - Not sure on cost, but they do offer a DIY option so you can add your own personal flare to the logos you put together with their templates.
https://99designs.com - This site allows you to start a logo contest and then designers will design logos for your to look at and choose from. Prices range from $299-$1,299. I have friends and clients that have used this, and they liked the process. I myself have never used this site.
I hope this article has been helpful for you. Feel free to contact me if you should have any questions.
Shannon A Engler
Thank you for sharing!