Idea 1:
Look at National Days coming up on the Calendar. They are several that you can really have fun with! This website is a great website for National Observation Days that are recognized throughout the year.
This is a sample of one I made in publisher:
Idea 2:
Jokes are always fun! Have a joke that you tell all the time? Or maybe you see funny memes and things you think your clients will get a good chuckle from? Everyone loves a good laugh. Start sharing funny jokes on your page. Google images is a great resource for that. You can find ideas and use publisher like I did above to create fun things, or if the images do not have logos or copyright marks on them, you may be able to download what you find and use it.

Idea 3:
Inspiration and quotes, these always make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside. And really how many times have you shared something that you liked onto your page. This is the point anyway to get people to share and interact with things from your social media pages. So let's make your fans and clients feel good today! Share something inspirational!

Idea 4:
Share recipes. I know I am guilty of sharing a recipe on my page so I can view it later and print it or make it. Maybe you don;t want to get carried away and post one everyday. But you can post one from time to time.
Idea 5:
Post before and after pictures of your work. Everyone likes to see what you do. You can post pictures of your products to show people what you can do for them or what they can buy form you.
Idea 6:
Employee Birthdays! Celebrate with the team and your fans. If you go to our Facebook page you will see posts at least once a month with birthday wishes to employees. Have fun with this. Share their funny stories and things they would like to do on their birthday. View the Logan Business Machines page at:
Idea 7:
Share employee anniversaries. Congratulate them for their 1, 2, 3+ years of being part of your work family! This makes the employees feel special and it shows people you care about your team.
Idea 8:
Share pictures of your customer's coming in to visit and share their facebook pages with a link in your post to their page.
I recommend that you organically post these items on your page with pictures. This makes it so when people share it all the text you put and your Fan Page stays with the post when it is shared off other peoples pages.
Stay tuned for more marketing ideas from your friendly marketing friend... Shannon Engler, She Knows Marketing.
Have a great week!
Shannon Engler Marketing Specialist
Logan Business Machines |
(785) 383-8139 • (785)
233-1102 • 417 NE US Hwy 24,
Topeka, Kansas 66608